Virkon™ LSP is a synergistic blend of synthetic phenolics specifically designed to provide flexibility and broad spectrum activity with efficacy against viruses, bacteria and fungi in a wide range of temperatures and in the presence of organic challenge. Virkon™ LSP provides a highly convenient multipurpose biosecurity solution for a wide range of disinfectant applications including:
Virkon™ LSP has a significant number of efficacy studies supporting approved label claims against OIE Listed Diseases, including; exotic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (Fowl Plague), Newcastle Disease, African Swine Fever, Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), Foot & Mouth Disease (FMDv), and Salmonella.
The broad spectrum efficacy of Virkon™ LSP has been independently proven effective against an extensive portfolio of viral and bacterial disease-causing organisms using a wide range of contact times, temperatures and organic challenge.
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