This unique device has been developed to simplify the tedious job of trimming tails of milking cows. Tail trimming is carried out to reduce faecal and urine contamination of the milker, and to reduce dirt around the rear quarters and udder of the cow. It is recommended that tail trimming is carried out about twice a year to ensure milker safety and highest milk quality. The TailWell Tail Trimmer is secured by way of the chuck shank into any suitable cordless drill of 14 volts or better, and producing approx. 1,000rpm. It is quiet in use, with a smooth and fast cutting action. Trimming takes only 3-4 seconds per tail, and is easily accomplished during milking. The outer blade oscillates over a fixed inner blade, so there is no risk of injury to man or cow. A neck strap is incorporated so the device can be hands-free between cows. Replacement blade sets are available. Lubrication is applied to the blades at the start of operation, and should be re-applied each 80-100 tails. Pre-cutting of the tail switch is not necessary, even if it is very dirty.