A sustained release bolus containing iodine, cobalt and selenium. Intended for adult sheep, gimmers and hoggs with a liveweight over 40 kg. 24·7 SMARTRACE® ADULT SHEEP is designed for situations where iodine, cobalt and selenium supplementation is essential in the run up to tupping, at scanning or over-wintering. It can also be given to rams in advance of the mating season. 24·7 SMARTRACE® ADULT SHEEP supplies the animal’s full daily requirement of each essential trace element for 180 days.
24·7 SMARTRACE® ADULT SHEEP boluses are designed to lie in the reticulum. The wrapper on the bolus dissolves and the bolus breaks into two parts. These erode and dissolve completely thus providing a continuous and regular supply of nutrients to the animal.
• Eroding technology means consistent supply of trace elements
• Delivers full daily requirement of iodine, cobalt and selenium
• Free of copper – OK for use in continental breeds
• Helps maintain ewe health through winter
• Optimise lambing percentages
• Helps maintain lamb vitality
• Contains no GMOs or material of animal origin
• Bolus applied in one single, simple application
• Active life of 180 days
One 48 g bolus should be given to each animal.
Always use the approved Agrimin sheep bolus Applicator A.
24·7 SMARTRACE® ADULT SHEEP boluses are packed in units of 50 (enough for 50 sheep).