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Bovalto Respi 2 - 20ml/10dose

For the active immunisation of calves from the age of 10days against bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and bovine parainfluenza 3 virus (PI3V), to reduce the quality and duration of nasal excretion of both viruses.

Onset of immunity - 10days after vaccine

Duration of immunity - 12 weeks after vaccination
Availability: In stock
SKU: 166374

Administer one dose (2ml) of the reconstituted vaccine intranasally (1ml of the vaccine per nostril) to calves from 10days of age using an intranasal applicator.

Administer one dose (2ml) of the reconstituted vaccine intranasally (1ml of the vaccine per nostril) to calves from 10days of age using an intranasal applicator.