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Equimax Oral Gel - Single

Equimax® is a multi purpose wormer which contains two different active ingredients. ivermectin and praziquantel are both utilized within EquiMax allowing for an all-in-one horse worming product. Because it takes advantage of ivermectin and praziquantel, EquiMax is capable of treating a wide range parasitic species. This means Equimax® has the best combined efficacy and the broadest spectrum of activity of any wormer. Equimax® is safe to use on all types of horses. Equimax® has been proven safe in stallions at 5x the recommended dose rate and, in pregnant mares at 3x the recommended dose. It is equally safe on foals at more than 5x the normal level, and can be safely administered to foals from 2 weeks of age. Now treats 700kg body weight! For the treatment of roundworms, bots and all three species of tapeworm in horses.

Contains ivermectin and praziquantel.

Syringe design minimises waste and makes administering easier.

The only wormer licensed to treat roundworms, bots and all three species of tapeworm in a single dose.
Availability: In stock
SKU: 159214
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For the treatment and control of adult and immature gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms and bots of horses, including: Large strongyles Strongylus vulgaris adults and 4th larval (arterial) stages; Strongylus edentatus adults and 4th larval (tissue) stages; Strongylus equinus adults Small strongyles, adults Cyathostomum spp.; Cylicocyclus spp.; Cylicodontophorus spp.; Cylicostephanus spp.; Gyalocephalus spp. Hairworms Trichostrongylus axei adults, Pinworms Oxyuris equi adults and immatures, Ascarids Parascaris equorum adults, Intestinal threadworms Strongyloides westeri adults, Large-mouth stomach worms Habronema muscae adults, Neck threadworms Onchocerca spp. (microfilariae), Lungworms Dictyocaulus arnfieldi adult and immature, Stomach bots Gasterophilus spp. oral and gastric larval stages.

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