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Betamox L.A. - 100ml

Suitable for the control of infections, due to susceptible micro-organisms, in cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats where a single injection giving prolonged activity is required. It may also protect from secondary bacterial invasion in cases where bacteria are not the initial cause of disease. Indications include infections of: Alimentary tract, Respiratory tract, Skin and soft tissue, Urogenital tract, In prevention of post-operative infection (treat before surgery).

Active ingredient: Amoxicillin
Availability: In stock
SKU: 117060
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Betamox R.T.U. - 100ml

Is a broad spectrum semi-synthetic penicillin, bactericidal in action for use in cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats. In vitro it is effective against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria.

Active ingredient: Amoxicillin

Cadorex - 100ml

For treatment Cattle: Intramuscular route: 20 mg of florfenicol/kg bodyweight (equivalent to 1 ml of the product/15 kg bodyweight) to be administered twice 48 hours apart using a 16 gauge needle.

Subcutaneous route: 40 mg of florfenicol/kg bodyweight (equivalent to 2 ml of the product/15 kg bodyweight) to be administered once using a 16 gauge needle.

The dose volume given at any one injection site should not exceed 10 ml. The injection should only be given in the neck.

20 mg of florfenicol/kg bodyweight (equivalent to 1 ml of the product/15 kg bodyweight) by intramuscular injection daily for three consecutive days. The volume administered per injection site should not exceed 4 ml.

Pharmacokinetic studies showed that mean plasma concentrations remain above MIC90 (1 µg/ml) for up to 18 hours after administration of the product at the recommended treatment dose. The pre-clinical data provided support the recommended treatment interval (24 hours) for target pathogens with MIC up to 1 µg/ml.

Pigs: 15 mg of florfenicol/kg bodyweight (equivalent to 1 ml of the product/20 kg bodyweight) by intramuscular injection into the neck muscle twice at 48 hours intervals using a 16-gauge needle. The volume administered per injection site should not exceed 3 ml. For intramuscular, it is recommended to treat animals in the early stages of disease and to evaluate the response to treatment within 48 hours after the second injection. If clinical signs of respiratory disease persist 48 hours after the last injection, treatment should be changed using another formulation or another antibiotic and continued until clinical signs have resolved.

Cattle: Meat and offal: by IM route: 30 days, by SC route: 44 days. Cattle Milk: Not authorised for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption including pregnant animals intended to produce milk for human consumption.

Sheep: Meat and offal:by IM route: 39 days. Sheep Milk: Not authorised for use in lactating animals producing milk for human consumption including pregnant animals intended to produce milk for human consumption.

Pigs:Meat and offal: by IM route: 18 days

Bovikalc Calcium Bolus - 192g x 4

Bovikalc Calcium Bolus is an essential source of calcium used for controlling of milk fever in cattle. Cows that have a previous history of milk fever or that are pregnant with twins are susceptible to milk fever, Bovikalc Calcium Bolus can help prevent milk fever in the first place with a bolus given just before or straight after calving and a second bolus given 12 hours later. Bovikalc Calcium Boluses are specially designed with a fat coating which makes it easy and safe to administer and does no damage to the cows throat. Bovikalc Calcium Bolus are also very quickly absorbed into the cow's bloodstream.

Multimin - 100ml

Supply of trace minerals to correct concurrent clinical or subclinical deficiencies of selenium, copper, manganese and zinc which can arise during critical phases of the production or breeding life cycle.

Additional copper, zinc, manganese or selenium should not be administered at the same time.

Dosage & Administration
Strictly for subcutaneous administration only.
• Cattle - Up to 1 year: 1ml per 50kg
• Cattle - From 1-2 years: 1ml per 75kg
• Cattle - Over 2 years: 1ml per 100kg
• Maximal volume per injection site: 7ml
To be administered as a single administration during, or in advance of, periods of stress in the production and breeding life cycle likely to result in concurrent clinical or subclinical deficiencies of the four trace minerals (for example, transport/shipping, calving, breeding).

• Meat and offal: 8 days
• Milk: zero hours.