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Stainless Steel Bullring - 3.5"

Vital to cattle restraint and control, bull rings are integral to livestock management. This bull ring is made of quality stainless steel that does not rust or corrode easily. The long sharp point of the self-piercing ring cuts a clean hole as you insert it into the nasal septum of the animal. No other attachments or tools are necessary with this self-piercing bull ring.
Brand: Agrihealth
Availability: In stock
SKU: 114483
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Lamlac - 5kg - Instant

Designed for use as a complete replacement for ewe’s milk. Also suitable to feed to goat kids.

Lamlac Instant - Ideal for bottle feeding, ad-lib feeding systems and some machine feeding systems which require an instant mixing powder.

Protein – 24%
Oil – 24%
Ash – 7%
Fibre – 0%

• Concentrated milk protein
• Highly digestible for faster lamb growth
• Ultrafiltrated milk protein
• Suits all rearing systems
• Lamlac can be used in bottle or machine feeding systems- ideal for feeding through warm ad-lib feeders such as the Volac Ewe 2 or Eco Feeder
• Complete feed
• Instantised
• Easy mixing even in cold water
• Fully formulated
• Provides all the nutrients required by the lamb
• Stays fresh for 24 hours
• Outstanding growth rates proven in performance trials

Copper Bullring - 2.75"

The Bull Ring is a round copper metal ring used for controlling bulls. The ring is designed for controlling or handling cattle. The ring is easy to apply, but normally done by experts. It is usually placed on a bull between 9 to 12 months of age. The ring is made up of hinged semi-circles jointed with the help of a small bolt.

Stainless Steel Bullring - 2.75"

Vital to cattle restraint and control, bull rings are integral to livestock management. This bull ring is made of quality stainless steel that does not rust or corrode easily. The long sharp point of the self-piercing ring cuts a clean hole as you insert it into the nasal septum of the animal. No other attachments or tools are necessary with this self-piercing bull ring.