Protect against clostridial diseases such as blackleg and bacterial red water. The primary course of immunization for cattle consists of a 2 ml initial dose followed by a further 2 ml dose six weeks later. Sheep follow the same dosing program but only need a 1ml dose. In areas of high risk of infection from C. haemolyticum infection an initial vaccination regime of two doses of 4 ml is recommended.
Revaccination is recommended using 2 - 4 ml, depending on severity of risk of infection from C. haemolyticum, at intervals of not less than one year. Use during pregnancy for passive protection of calves, previously vaccinated pregnant cattle should be vaccinated 2-8 weeks before calving. For an optimum immune response, calves from cows vaccinated during pregnancy should not be vaccinated until 8-12 weeks of age.
Zero withdrawal for meat offal and milk. The re-vaccination plan involves a single dose every 6-12 months.